Heart centered women entrepreneurs who want to take their business to the next level and grow a recognizable + magnet brand often struggle with how to simply communicate their super power.

I know what you’re struggling with:

Your ads are not converting

❌Your ideal clients don’t understand why you charge so much

❌ People don’t seem to understand what you do

❌Your 5th website upgrade isn’t attracting like you thought

❌The latest tools aren’t landing with your dreamy clients

What gives?

It’s not necessarily your product or service or the latest marketing trend that’s not working. It’s your brand foundation.

In other words, you’re not communicating to the exact person you WANT to work with, and who you can make an IMPACT for.

But all that’s about to change. Because the Client Attraction Strategy Program is all about showing up, feeling fully confident in your offering, and providing a consistent message that positions you as THE GO-TO EXPERT in your field.

No more hiding.

Hitting your big business goals this year and easily attracting your ideal clients and customers is #totallydoable.

That’s what C.A.S.P. is all about: getting super clear on your brand foundation so you can market your message with ease and uplevel your business from surviving to thriving!

This is where your marketing plan
should’ve started.

The problem? You’ve probably never slowed down to do this brand foundation work and your message and positioning is inconsistent. People can’t narrow down what you actually do and who you do it for. Or….. if you HAVE done this work before, something still isn’t working — and it’s because you didn’t go deep enough.

✅… Deep enough into why you’re unique (what we call your “secret sauce”)

✅… Deep enough into defining a niche

✅… Deep enough into understanding your niche’s deepest pain points

✅… Deep enough into the experience and value of hiring you as the expert

✅… Deep enough into your marketing message

But we all know you have a gift to share with the world… and someone, somewhere needs you. Right now.

See what our signature client attraction strategy framework can do to help you level up, get clear and consistent on your message, and attract those dreamy clients.


What is C.A.S.P.?

Besides the best thing since sliced bread…..

C.A.S.P. stands for Client Attraction Strategy Program, our signature 12 week group program for women entrepreneurs who want to play bigger in their business and hit those dreamy goals this year. It’s where you’ll take your business from an unknown brand to a client attraction magnet that positions your brand as THE go-to expert in your field.

It’s for you if you’re ready to play bigger

…in your business, stop spinning your wheels, and lean into the movement you’re leading. It’s the marketing plan you should’ve started with.


C.A.S.P includes 5 signature modules:



Time to put all your clarity work into implementation as we create a custom client attraction strategy for your business. This is about working smarter, not harder, boss.

Let’s take massive aligned action!

+ 13 LIVE Coaching Calls

✅ Reviewing each module, answering Q+A, and hot seat coaching for laser clarity

✅ There’s no staying stuck or being left behind in this program; we’ll meet every week!

+ Custom Action Plan

✅ We take you through a step by step [tailored] visibility plan to create content + position you to attract your ideal clients, like yesterday

✅ Generate dreamy client leads immediately from your CASP plan

+ Community


One of the best parts of this program? #squadgoals
C.A.S.P. is our signature group program with 1:1 aspects. Which means you go through this training with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs who are playing bigger too!

You’re not alone in your uplevel. It can get really stretchy, a little confusing, and all together bumpy. Being apart of a community means we rise together!


Hey there! I’m Jennah.

Owner and Brand Strategist + Designer at Blue Loui Studio.

Purpose driven women business owners + entrepreneurs hire me to create a powerful and recognizable brand that attracts their ideal client. We’ll work together through success strategies, identity design, and creating a powerful digital presence (website + social) that positions you as the go-to expert in your field and supports you to play bigger in your business.

We believe your brand is more than a logo; it’s a movement, so we aim to help our clients create and grow a brand that is strategic + nothing short of a client attraction magnet.

I saw a problem.

Women entrepreneurs were coming to me to rebrand their business with a logo, colors, and website to play bigger! It’s such a beautiful thing when we’re committed to our bigger vision.


“I want women entrepreneurs to know that there is power in your brand. That by investing in it, embracing it, and leading with it, you’re making a power move. And……I’ve made it my mission to support women on that journey.”
-Jennah Lear, Owner @BLS


When I would ask….
• who is your ideal client?
• what makes you unique?
• what’s the experience you’re setting with their brand?

….I would hear crickets. And here’s the thing….

👉🏼A logo is important.

👉🏼A website is important.

But you have to have a solid foundation of WHO you are, WHY you’re the go-to expert, and WHO you want to work with (and can impact the most), in order to market your brand successfully with a website and fancy graphics.

It’s the classic cart before the horse.
And when we don’t lean into doing this work, we lose.


What makes C.A.S.P. different?

C.A.S.P is designed to give you support and accountability each step of the way. If you’re committed to hitting your big dreamy goals this year, then the Blue Loui team is committed to giving you the best of the best tools, time, and strategy to making it happen.

But you have to be ALL IN. Sitting around and hoping to manifest a 6 figure year is not how this works.

Will this really work for my business?

If you are a current business owner, at least 1 year in, and struggling with attracting, connecting, and converting ideal clients then this program is for you. CASP was designed so you can stop guessing at what you need next to market your business successfully.

How can I be sure this program is right for me?

The best way to be sure is hop on a call to connect with us and chat through where you’re at and where you desire to be. If you’re ready to grow a brand that will help you step out as the go-to expert so you can attract dreamy clients, then CASP is the next best step. Connect with us to get all your questions answered: http://www.bluelouistudio.com/schedule-appointment

Will you run this program again?

Yes, the Client Attraction Strategy Program (C.A.S.P.), runs once per year; the next round to begin in May 2023.


What got you here, won’t get you there.
C.A.S.P. is your next best move.

Taking aligned action is truly the number one way to move your business forward and continue to grow a magnetic brand that is a beacon of light for the people that you can make the most impact for. As a reward for action takers, there are signup bonuses! If you’re ready to play bigger: commit and receive abundance. #yougotthis #uplevel


Will it work for you?

Listen to past CASP graduate’s journey of why they chose to join this program, what happened throughout their time with me, Jennah, and what they’ve been able to create in their business as a result of this transformational process.

Round 5 - Lindsey went on to build her 6 figure plan

Round 4 - Jaime went on to be full-time in her business!

Round 2 - Debbi went on to hit her first 6 figures!

Round 5 - RoseAda went on to shift her business model!

Round 4 - Angela went on to find her dream job!

Round 2 - Niké went on to hit her first $10k month!